The Waterworld

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Water, it is said, is vital to all forms of life. But when a community has been submerged in floodwater — five-foot deep stagnant water that is not sustainable for drinking and fishing — a decade since, how does it affect their way of life?

Well, each household needs at least one boat to bring them to places. How much does a boat cost? More than P10,000.

The residents wake up as early as five in the morning to pump water from the only source of clean water and it costs them P10 per container. Each boat ride going there costs P5-10.

Aside from having no direct source of clean water, there is no proper sewage system. So you can only imagine where the wastes go.

The abovementioned struggles are only a few of them. To know more about their story, read the Pacifiqa article written by my friend Karmela, photos by me:

About Kimberly Pauig

I enjoy taking photographs as much as I savor sleep.
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4 Responses to The Waterworld

  1. Powerful photos! And thanks for linking to that article.


  2. Bea dM says:

    I just came across this blog today, and read the long article too. The photos bursting with colour and life are a fine tribute to the story of people who live in such difficult conditions and manage to maintain their determination, strength and hopes for the future. Thanks for the eye-opener, I’ll be visiting other pacifiqa pages too…


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